Sagging Skin

Sagging skin effects people of all ages. You can get loose or sagging skin from the natural aging process or if you've recently lost a lot of weight.

Sagging Skin From Weight Loss.

This is frustrating for people who have worked hard to regain their body after a pregnancy or any sort of weight gain. They eat right and work out to get the body they want. They shed countless pounds, only to find unsightly sagging skin left over when they're done.

When you carry more weight in your body, the skin is stretched beyond its normal size. If you lose that weight, the skin tissue that went through the process of stretching may not fully recover back to its original shape, which gives you loose skin.

Sagging Skin From Aging

As the body ages, your skin starts to contain less collagen, which is what keeps the skin tight and young looking. When your body contains less collagen, your skin loses its tightness and leaves you with sagging skin.

You also might be aging your skin prematurely if you're spending time in the sun without sunscreen. The sun's ultraviolet radiation can speed up the rate at which your skin loses its elastin and collagen. This is sometimes called photoaging, and it can cause sagging skin and other skin problems like pigmentation.

Treatment of Sagging Skin*

Skin Tightening  (RF and Infrared)

The Accent is a radiofrequency device that can tighten skin. Accent is used on large areas such as arms and abdomen. The harmless radio waves tighten skin by boosting collagen production. You can read more here.

The Gentle Max laser uses infrared light to gradually heat and tighten skin. The laser is used for skin tightening of the face and neck.

Dermal Fillers

Volume loss under the skin results in sagging. Dermal fillers are injected to "fill" any part of the face to replace this lost volume, resulting in a lift which reduces jowls and folds.

Hands can also be filled to hide prominent tendons.

Most procedures take about half an hour and the effects of dermal fillers can be seen immediately following the first treatment. The duration of benefit depends on the substance used, the area injected, and the person injected, and can range from 9-18 months.

More information about fillers can be found here.

Our knowledgeable and experienced staff can help you with your sagging skin. Contact us today by calling (905) 726-1126